About this Course
In this course you will learn and practice techniques of user research and early UI design exploration. First, you will learn and practice several techniques for user research, including in-person research and survey and log-analysis techniques. Then, you will learn to analyze and deliver user research in forms that support UI design, including personas, use cases, tasks, and scenarios. Finally, you will learn and practice ideation techniques that start from user research and broadly generate potential design ideas.
Loren terveen
Computer science and engineering
Haiyi zhu
Assistant professor
Human computer interaction institute
Lana yarosh
Associate professor
Computer science and engineering
Dr. Brent hecht
Assistant professor
Computer science and engineering
Joseph a konstan
Distinguished mcknight professor and distinguished university teaching professor
Computer science and engineering
Offered by
University of minnesota
The university of minnesota is among the largest public research universities in the country, offering undergraduate, graduate, and professional students a multitude of opportunities for study and research. Located at the heart of one of the nation’s most vibrant, diverse metropolitan communities, students on the campuses in minneapolis and st. Paul benefit from extensive partnerships with world-renowned health centers, international corporations, government agencies, and arts, nonprofit, and public service organizations.
Syllabus – What you will learn from this course
Week 1
Note that weeks 1 and 2 form a cohesive whole, with more lecture content in week 1, and more practice (assignment and quizzing) in week 2.
User Research Methods — Part 1
Week 2
User Research Methods — Part 2
Week 3
Analyzing and Delivering User Research
The 3rd and 4th week of the course are intended to be a unit, with more lecture content in week 3, and more practice (assignment and quizzing) in week 4.
Week 4
Ideation and Idea Selection